10. Cocona
octubre 6, 2022
11. Olluco Slices
febrero 2, 202313. Mahi Mahi Roes
Natural product get from Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) healthy, clean, and fresh, selected, washed and packed IWP. Frozen static tunnel system forced air, achieving stable temperature of – 40 °C in the thermal center of the product. Packed and stored in a freezer a – 23 °C.
Related names:
Aukurica siata (eslovaco), Bhutta (hindi), Blat moresc (catalán), Cabelo de milho (gallego y/o portugués), Corn silk (inglés), Graminea (familia), Indian Corn (inglés), Liu-su (chino), Mais (alemán), Maíz (castellano), Maize (inglés), Makka (hindi), Milho (gallego y/o portugués), Milleka (vasco), Pa-lu (chino), Trigo de Turquía (castellano), Yavanala (sánscrito), Yü-kao-liang (chino), Yü-shu-shu (chino), Zea mexicana (sinónimo).
Mahi Mahi Roes.
Physical OrganoLeptic Characteristics:
Colour: Assorted colors Orange, Yellow, Red.
Odour: Characteristic free of strange odors.
Taste: Characteristic free of strange flavors.
Texture: Firm. granulate.
IVP (Individual Vacuum Pack) Bags per 2 lbs Master Box x 30lbs.
Lifetime: 24 months in freezing conditions (-18°C).
Storage and Handling: Keep under standard conditions of freezing, continuous monitoring of temperature. Maintaining the cold chain until consumption or expiration date.
This product does not contain allergens.